Friday, May 2, 2014

GivMobile Goes to the Dogs

That’s not entirely true. Perhaps GivMobile “gives to the dogs” would be more accurate. Not just another wireless service provider, this is a company that cares. Concerned not just with offering their customers spot on service, the company also wants to give something back to the communities where those customers live. The concept of corporate social responsibility is not a new one. In recent years however, it has become an increasingly important part of business strategy.

The Economics of Ethics
Why give? Of course some companies, (like some individuals) realize there can be tax write-offs and other financial incentives when one donates to charity. There is definitely a feel-good factor for many of us as well. We live in highly developed countries with access to medical care, education and opportunity. Sometimes our “first world problems” seem trivial at best!

GivMobile, like an increasing number of companies big and small, realize that they can give and still get back in return. Supporting local and international charities can improve their image and increase customer loyalty. Their logos are often displayed when they sponsor events and local media outlets love to give valuable air time to a feel good story.

GivMobile’s Charities of Choice
The company has put their selected charities through a comprehensive auditing process to ensure they put the money where their mouth is. The organizations include those that support education, environmental conservation and even arts and culture. Everyone can find something they support. And everyone gets to choose which group gets the 8% of their monthly bill that is donated by GivMobile.

The American Cancer Society, The Academy of Natural Sciences and The United States Fund for UNICEF are three of the most widely recognized organizations. You have probably never heard of The Taproot Foundation but their mission is unique and important. Based in Chicago, the foundation matches professionals who are willing to work pro bono, with low income individuals and NGOS that need their services.

Gone to the Dogs?
Those who walk on four legs have not been forgotten. The Petsmart group of charities helps adopt homeless animals from Petsmart stores across North America. This is another organization that made the GivMobile list. 

The Petsmart group works together with animal rescues all over the country to transport animals in high “kill rate” shelters to cities where they have a better chance of adoption. Airlines often donate  space to help reduce costs and quickly get the critters on their way to a new home.

Free Mobile Phone Offers!
Yes, it gets even better. No contract cell phone plans are available and most packages are “unlimited everything”. Talk, text or download till you drop. Anywhere, anytime with pretty much anyone you’d like. Check out their website for an awesome assortment of phones and more information on their attractive no contract needed wireless plans.

Feeling Lucky?
GivMobile has a limited number of Android phones they are giving away online. It’s also a limited time offer, so the sooner you visit, the better your chances of winning. The slogan on their website is “Save Money, Save the World”. Ambitious to be sure, but it does have a certain appeal! Get your phone now at